7 posts tagged


Security Awareness Training: Why It's Essential for SMEs

Learn why security awareness training is crucial for Swiss SMEs to enhance cybersecurity, especially in the era of remote work.

Security Vulnerability Discovered in YubiKey 5: The Risk of Physical Manipulation

A cryptographic vulnerability has been found in YubiKey 5 security tokens, used for two-factor authentication worldwide. Learn how physical access could lead to cloning attacks and how to protect your accounts.

When Should You Use a VPN – And When Not?

Discover when using a VPN is beneficial and when it might not be necessary. Learn about VPNs, router setup for your own private network, and how to secure your data online.

Succession Planning: The Importance of Cybersecurity

Learn why cybersecurity should be a key focus during business succession planning. Protect your company's digital assets and ensure a smooth transition with proper cyber protection.

Mail Masking: How to Protect Your Data and Email Address

Learn how to protect your personal data and email address with mail masking. Discover how creating unique email addresses for different services can help prevent spam, safeguard privacy, and protect against data breaches.

Ultimate Guide to Hacker Protection: Password, Malware & Cyber Security Software

Learn how to protect your online accounts and data from hackers with the ultimate guide to hacker protection. Get tips on password security, malware protection, and cyber security software for your mobile devices and laptops. Stay safe from phishing scams and malicious viruses while using public Wi-Fi.

Securing Your Digital Footprint: DATAPROTECT's Mission for Personal Data Protection

In an increasingly data-driven world, protecting personal information has never been more critical. DATAPROTECT was founded on the principle that every individual's digital presence is valuable and vulnerable. As we enter the age of information, our commitment is to safeguard your data from the prying eyes of cyber threats.